Three months...thirty three states...100+ store visits. Follow the journey as the NuCanoe Frontier makes its way around the country.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Yak Angler + Canoe Kentucky
I first connected with the guys from Yak Angler in late 2010. Adam Hayes posted an article about the NuCanoe 12, I read it, contacted him, and we started chatting. Just like that, a great partnership was born. We supplied Yak Angler with a NuCanoe 12 Bass Angler, they passed it around to other kayak anglers, and let people fish out of it (a 7 year old girl even won a kayak fishing out of this NuCanoe at the River Bassin stop in Frankfort!). They introduced us to Canoe Kentucky.
In June we met up with Adam and Mark Watanabe at a brew pub in Louisville. Over food & drink, we chattaed about paddling, fishing, and business. We then shared our plans for the Frontier 12...and Adam & Mark were quite impressed. The only way we could get them to keep quiet about it was to promise to visit them again when we had prototypes.
So on Saturday morning we met up at Canoe Kentucky for a Frontier Demo Day. We first went to Beaver Lake for a bit of fishing, then back to the Canoe Kentucky store to meet up the folks that came out to see the Frontier. We took the boats to the Elkhorn Creek near the shop where the water was flat and slow. The Yak Angler crew and the demo'ers put the Frontiers through the tests...and then some. Paddling, trolliing, standing, rocking, 180 jumps, tandem 180 jumps, triple SUP'ing, and more. Best to check the videos!
To wrap up the day, we floated the Elkhorn from the Canoe Kentucky put-in down to their store. While it was mostly flat water, we encountered one fun section of rapids and a tricky corner known as The Claw. Mark rarely sat down and provided us some great video!
To cap it off, Adam & Mark joined us for some eats and refreshments back in Louisville. And while we were there, the gentlemen whose daughter won the kayak fishing from the NuCanoe came by to check out the Frontier. So out in the parking under the street lights, we showed him the boat. And the Frontier 12 was added to another wish list!
Thanks for a great day on the water and the great write up. We absolutely loved the Frontier, you guys knocked this one out of the park! Looking forward to grabbing another beer with you Blake, maybe Mark and Deanna can toast some kelp or beat juice.
Thanks for a great day on the water and the great write up. We absolutely loved the Frontier, you guys knocked this one out of the park! Looking forward to grabbing another beer with you Blake, maybe Mark and Deanna can toast some kelp or beat juice.